Do Not Give Up as Lost
Perhaps you have been hurt by the “church” or a local “church organization?” Maybe this is something you have desired to make a comeback from? If you have experienced the desire to get back to church sometime in your life, well now welcome to Scattered Seeds Still Bloom! Here you can gather, heal, learn, and grow! Gather with like-minded Christians and assess how you feel. Part of exploring how you feel is working on the healing process. That is exactly what I am here for.
Hi, I am Pastor Luke and I am so thankful that you are reading my video synopsis. As my calling and career began in pastoral ministry 15 years ago, there were many people who would attend church on Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday. I was always so thrilled about this. My “thrill” went way beyond the fact that there are MORE PEOPLE in my church today. Especially seeing the Easter Sunday full sanctuaries – made me want to hop on down the bunny trail! I was thrilled and thankful both at the same time, that people were gathering to celebrate something pretty special. Whether it was the birth of Jesus or the Resurrection, people were sitting out in those pews in spots that any other Sunday but a holiday, was a vacant spot! People had already chosen to gather, to hear the gospel and then suddenly after Christmas, never see them again. And after Easter, — BOOM-POW! — I would only see those same individuals in public. “Hey Pastor Luke” they said. — I would say: “Hey Hi how are you? I sure have missed you at church! – God bless you.” And that… was that. I came to observe early on this becoming a pattern.
We know there is a time and season for everything under the sun. Ecclesiastes was written by King Solomon. Solomon had a bunch of problems. So much to the point of hopelessness, and he even went as far as to call everything the eye could see, and the heart could feel “as vanity.” = Useless, does not mean much at all, just existing in a time such as this. There is no significance for all… is vanity! – Well, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 is the devotional here with this video. Remember verse 6? = “A time to search and a time count as lost.” Question for you: Are you really willing to count your walk with Jesus and going to church “as lost – not necessary to pursue anymore?” Take a moment or so and think about that.
Did you know God created us to worship the Creator? We have within us the innate features that have been given only by Almighty God Himself. — That is, to worship Him. We were created to worship the Lord often whether we realize it or not. This is a season of our lives that never ever ceases. It is constant. The difficulty, however, has to deal with our own schedules, the busy-ness, rush, and hurried atmosphere of life. Maybe you haven’t been to church for a while… that’s okay! But we need to find time for God when He is continuously outpouring His own blessing to those who are discovering their own individual need for the Savior… We as His created, should only want to reciprocate the praise and thanks back unto Him, the Lord our God always! He is not useless or vanity – He IS the Author and Creator of all life, the Lord God, Create of Heaven and Earth. Where does this leave us?

Well, if you want to reconnect with Jesus, stay right here on Scattered Seeds Still Bloom… If you want to take the message of Jesus Christ out to the world as Jesus commands us through the Scriptures, what is holding you back? Unsure of the right things to say? Would you permit me to help you heal from your wounds? Assist you in learning some basics before shadowing the threshold of a church once more. Don’t know what someone else will think when you do say something about Jesus and freeze up because you don’t have all the right words to say? I can help you with that too! What is holding you back from advancing toward Jesus and opening your heart to His transformational power while His arms are forevermore open to you to come back to Him? I think you have it in you to get back to working on your walk with Jesus. I also think you have it in you to get back to church anywhere you may choose to go. Come on along, and let’s sojourn together – let’s gather, heal, learn, and grow. That way, this season that has always been alive within you will never die. To God be the glory! Amen!
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