Who We Are & What We Believe

If you are here, it is because you have asked one of the following questions: ‘Who is Scattered Seeds Still Bloom’ or ‘What do we stand for.’ While this post is in no way complete, I hope that this brief statement of belief can at least (in part) help you understand what we believe and what we stand for.

Who We Are

Scattered Seeds Still Bloom is a Faith-based Community of like-minded people that seeks to help people gather together so that they might heal, learn, and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. It is operated by Rev. Katie & Rev. Luke Oskin. Revs. Oskin are American Baptist ministers who believe in sharing the love of Jesus throughout their community and world. We see ourselves as a saved people and wish to grow in Christ-likeness and reach others by planting seeds throughout our community and the world.

We aim to offer Biblically-inspired merchandise & e-guides to help others in their daily walk with Jesus. Our goal is to unite Christians in an environment where they feel safe to be the authentic self that Christ called them to be. We also offer help, support, and care through the Scattered Seeds Still Bloom Foundation (opening in 2024).

Our Statement of Belief

As saved Christians, part of our statement of belief here at Scattered Seeds Still Bloom, we believe in these five basic lessons from the Bible. They have been paraphrased below, but we have added the citations so that they may be more helpful to you.

  1. “Love God … Love your neighbor as yourself…” – Matthew 22:37-39
  2. Jesus died for all, not some… – Matthew 20:28; John 10:11
  3. Jesus never turned anyone away.
  4. All are sinners and fall short of God’s perfection… – Romans 3:23
  5. The Bible teaches us not to judge others… – Matthew 7:1-5

Now What?

You may disagree with what we believe, and that’s okay. You are entitled to your belief, just as we are entitled to ours. There is room for each person and their belief in this world; it does not mean that we should spread hate or condemn each other for our individual beliefs. Jesus had 12 disciples with 12 personalities (plus many more after). It took each of them to minister to others, teach others, and spread the gospel. Please remember that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. Sins are not weighted; only humankind has put weight on sins. Jesus is our defender, that’s why He came and died for us. Only God is our judge. No one person is any better than another. These are important things that we need to keep in mind as Christians and as the Church. Many of these ideals & standards will be topics that we will be discussing on our Podcast as well.

We want people to learn about the Jesus that we love, serve, and adore so dearly. And more importantly why He died for all. And throughout our scripture reading, we can’t find even one example of Jesus ever turning ANYONE away … so why do we? He came for all, not some. Why are we so quick to judge one another? Especially as Christians. There is a big difference between a saved Christian who is accountable for their sins and a non-Christian who needs to know that there is a Savior who died for them. Likewise, we must remember that all are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. We are all imperfect, that includes both Revs. Oskin too. Jesus came with love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy in His heart, upon His back; this proof is through His wounds and death on the cross for all who would believe in Him as Lord and Savior.

Again, you may disagree with some of the topics that we will discuss and that’s okay. Scattered Seeds Still Bloom is a place that extends mercy, grace, love, and forgiveness of Jesus and at the same time, we hope that you will gather with us, heal from your woundedness, learn from the scripture, and grow into Christ-likeness and find your way into the church of your choice where you can personally feel loved and welcomed, no matter who you are.

Scattered Seeds Still Bloom and those that align with us believe that we are to extend the mercy, grace, love, & forgiveness of Jesus to all we meet, wherever we go. We hope and pray that you will join us in our mission to share the love of Jesus.

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